Ale Pan's Blog

Alejandro Panza | Rosario | Argentina

The prompt is the code

Reading code is harder than writing code => Checking the generated code defeats its purpose => The prompt is the code

ChatGPT as a garden of forking paths

a sankey diagram of different text completions

The text completion model under ChatGPT is optimized for one thing. Given a text, generate the word that comes next (actually, the next token). Under the hood, every time ChatGPT generates the continuation of a text, it offers several options, each accompanied by a probability of how likely it is to come ...

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A poetry-based blockchain

sophisticated calligraphy work

At the height of an empire, which name is long lost in the sands of time, the sophistication and refinements of its court were unparalleled. Hundred of poets devoted their lives to weaving the most complex verses together...

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A homemade Sundial

self portrait with sundial projector and mirror

In elementary school I told a friend that every day I was woken up by a sunbeam that filtered through the window and landed right on my eyes. Of course, it was a lie. It happened only once and at that moment I felt the need to make my story more exciting. The Sun takes a different path every day. The first day of October at 9:00 am the sunbeam passed trough my bed and the first of September the sunbeam went through my bed table.

Since the shadow of the window moves as the hours goes by and every day it goes trough a different path it is possible to make a clock. It is the basic principle of every sundial.

How hard could it be to make a sundial?

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